Discover what type of leadership environment exists within your organisation


Good-leaders-create-the-right-environment-for-their team

The Leadership Climate Indicator (LCI) is a sophisticated diagnostic tool developed specifically for application in the leadership space by our accrediting body, PSI Online.

Based on Emotional Intelligence techniques, the LCI tool addresses how employees feel about working in your organisation and being led by your leadership team. Completed by employees themselves, the insights delivered by the LCI provide vital information which is then used to shape future leadership development strategies.

Our Leadership Climate Indicator can be deployed as a diagnostic tool alone, or as part of a wider leadership development programme.

Benefits Include:

  • Identify your existing leadership climate across twelve aspects of leadership, including 6 positive and 6 negative aspects
  • Allow you to benchmark and compare the leadership across teams and functions
  • Highlight instances of positive & negative leadership climate within your organisation
  • Allow you to provide specific, actionable feedback to your leadership team
  • Provides you with the necessary information to target and track development interventions

Find out more about how we can help maximise your leadership capabilities.